Discourse markers in Mauritian Creole

Discourse features

Study funded by the John Fell Fund. PI: Prof. Sandra Paoli

We investigate the hypothesis that discourse markers based on ‘dir’ in Mauritian Creole (koumadir, dizon and savedir) share common properties. Based on dialogic contexts, we loosely employ a canonical approach to analyse which features are present or absent with each marker. Koumadir exclusively appears in Creole, dizon (with a French parallel disons) displays the same properties across the two languages, and savedir can occur in both French (ça veut dire) and Creole, but it has developed further formal and functional characteristics in Creole. Ultimately, the initial hypothesis of a shared core cannot be sustained.

Keywords: discourse markers, Mauritius, multilingualism, dizon, koumadir, savedir

Hannah Davidson
Hannah Davidson
Tutor, Lecturer and Outreach Officer in Linguistics

I am a Tutor, Lecturer and Outreach Officer in Linguistics at the University of Oxford, a researcher at the University of Reading and Associate Lecturer in German at the Open University.
